{"version":3,"names":["patchBrowser","patchCloneNodeFix","H","prototype","scriptElm","Array","from","doc","querySelectorAll","find","s","RegExp","NAMESPACE","test","src","getAttribute","importMeta","url","opts","resourcesUrl","URL","href","promiseResolve","HTMLElementPrototype","nativeCloneNodeFn","cloneNode","deep","this","nodeName","call","clonedNode","srcChildNodes","childNodes","i","length","nodeType","appendChild","then","options","bootstrapLazy","JSON","parse"],"sources":["./node_modules/@stencil/core/internal/client/patch-browser.js","@lazy-browser-entrypoint?app-data=conditional"],"sourcesContent":["/*\n Stencil Client Patch Browser v3.2.0 | MIT Licensed | https://stenciljs.com\n */\nimport { BUILD, NAMESPACE } from '@stencil/core/internal/app-data';\nimport { consoleDevInfo, plt, win, doc, promiseResolve, H } from '@stencil/core';\n/**\n * Helper method for querying a `meta` tag that contains a nonce value\n * out of a DOM's head.\n *\n * @param doc The DOM containing the `head` to query against\n * @returns The content of the meta tag representing the nonce value, or `undefined` if no tag\n * exists or the tag has no content.\n */\nfunction queryNonceMetaTagContent(doc) {\n var _a, _b, _c;\n return (_c = (_b = (_a = doc.head) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.querySelector('meta[name=\"csp-nonce\"]')) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getAttribute('content')) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : undefined;\n}\n// TODO(STENCIL-661): Remove code related to the dynamic import shim\nconst getDynamicImportFunction = (namespace) => `__sc_import_${namespace.replace(/\\s|-/g, '_')}`;\nconst patchBrowser = () => {\n // NOTE!! This fn cannot use async/await!\n if (BUILD.isDev && !BUILD.isTesting) {\n consoleDevInfo('Running in development mode.');\n }\n // TODO(STENCIL-659): Remove code implementing the CSS variable shim\n if (BUILD.cssVarShim) {\n // shim css vars\n // TODO(STENCIL-659): Remove code implementing the CSS variable shim\n plt.$cssShim$ = win.__cssshim;\n }\n if (BUILD.cloneNodeFix) {\n // opted-in to polyfill cloneNode() for slot polyfilled components\n patchCloneNodeFix(H.prototype);\n }\n if (BUILD.profile && !performance.mark) {\n // not all browsers support performance.mark/measure (Safari 10)\n // because the mark/measure APIs are designed to write entries to a buffer in the browser that does not exist,\n // simply stub the implementations out.\n // TODO(STENCIL-323): Remove this patch when support for older browsers is removed (breaking)\n // @ts-ignore\n performance.mark = performance.measure = () => {\n /*noop*/\n };\n performance.getEntriesByName = () => [];\n }\n // @ts-ignore\n const scriptElm = \n // TODO(STENCIL-661): Remove code related to the dynamic import shim\n // TODO(STENCIL-663): Remove code related to deprecated `safari10` field.\n BUILD.scriptDataOpts || BUILD.safari10 || BUILD.dynamicImportShim\n ? Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll('script')).find((s) => new RegExp(`\\/${NAMESPACE}(\\\\.esm)?\\\\.js($|\\\\?|#)`).test(s.src) ||\n s.getAttribute('data-stencil-namespace') === NAMESPACE)\n : null;\n const importMeta = import.meta.url;\n const opts = BUILD.scriptDataOpts ? (scriptElm || {})['data-opts'] || {} : {};\n // TODO(STENCIL-663): Remove code related to deprecated `safari10` field.\n if (BUILD.safari10 && 'onbeforeload' in scriptElm && !history.scrollRestoration /* IS_ESM_BUILD */) {\n // Safari < v11 support: This IF is true if it's Safari below v11.\n // This fn cannot use async/await since Safari didn't support it until v11,\n // however, Safari 10 did support modules. Safari 10 also didn't support \"nomodule\",\n // so both the ESM file and nomodule file would get downloaded. Only Safari\n // has 'onbeforeload' in the script, and \"history.scrollRestoration\" was added\n // to Safari in v11. Return a noop then() so the async/await ESM code doesn't continue.\n // IS_ESM_BUILD is replaced at build time so this check doesn't happen in systemjs builds.\n return {\n then() {\n /* promise noop */\n },\n };\n }\n // TODO(STENCIL-663): Remove code related to deprecated `safari10` field.\n if (!BUILD.safari10 && importMeta !== '') {\n opts.resourcesUrl = new URL('.', importMeta).href;\n // TODO(STENCIL-661): Remove code related to the dynamic import shim\n // TODO(STENCIL-663): Remove code related to deprecated `safari10` field.\n }\n else if (BUILD.dynamicImportShim || BUILD.safari10) {\n opts.resourcesUrl = new URL('.', new URL(scriptElm.getAttribute('data-resources-url') || scriptElm.src, win.location.href)).href;\n // TODO(STENCIL-661): Remove code related to the dynamic import shim\n if (BUILD.dynamicImportShim) {\n patchDynamicImport(opts.resourcesUrl, scriptElm);\n }\n // TODO(STENCIL-661): Remove code related to the dynamic import shim\n if (BUILD.dynamicImportShim && !win.customElements) {\n // module support, but no custom elements support (Old Edge)\n // @ts-ignore\n return import(/* webpackChunkName: \"polyfills-dom\" */ './dom.js').then(() => opts);\n }\n }\n return promiseResolve(opts);\n};\n// TODO(STENCIL-661): Remove code related to the dynamic import shim\nconst patchDynamicImport = (base, orgScriptElm) => {\n const importFunctionName = getDynamicImportFunction(NAMESPACE);\n try {\n // test if this browser supports dynamic imports\n // There is a caching issue in V8, that breaks using import() in Function\n // By generating a random string, we can workaround it\n // Check https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=990810 for more info\n win[importFunctionName] = new Function('w', `return import(w);//${Math.random()}`);\n }\n catch (e) {\n // this shim is specifically for browsers that do support \"esm\" imports\n // however, they do NOT support \"dynamic\" imports\n // basically this code is for old Edge, v18 and below\n const moduleMap = new Map();\n win[importFunctionName] = (src) => {\n var _a;\n const url = new URL(src, base).href;\n let mod = moduleMap.get(url);\n if (!mod) {\n const script = doc.createElement('script');\n script.type = 'module';\n script.crossOrigin = orgScriptElm.crossOrigin;\n script.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([`import * as m from '${url}'; window.${importFunctionName}.m = m;`], {\n type: 'application/javascript',\n }));\n // Apply CSP nonce to the script tag if it exists\n const nonce = (_a = plt.$nonce$) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : queryNonceMetaTagContent(doc);\n if (nonce != null) {\n script.setAttribute('nonce', nonce);\n }\n mod = new Promise((resolve) => {\n script.onload = () => {\n resolve(win[importFunctionName].m);\n script.remove();\n };\n });\n moduleMap.set(url, mod);\n doc.head.appendChild(script);\n }\n return mod;\n };\n }\n};\nconst patchCloneNodeFix = (HTMLElementPrototype) => {\n const nativeCloneNodeFn = HTMLElementPrototype.cloneNode;\n HTMLElementPrototype.cloneNode = function (deep) {\n if (this.nodeName === 'TEMPLATE') {\n return nativeCloneNodeFn.call(this, deep);\n }\n const clonedNode = nativeCloneNodeFn.call(this, false);\n const srcChildNodes = this.childNodes;\n if (deep) {\n for (let i = 0; i < srcChildNodes.length; i++) {\n // Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE === 2, and checking because IE11\n if (srcChildNodes[i].nodeType !== 2) {\n clonedNode.appendChild(srcChildNodes[i].cloneNode(true));\n }\n }\n }\n return clonedNode;\n };\n};\nexport { patchBrowser };\n","export { setNonce } from '@stencil/core';\nimport { bootstrapLazy } from '@stencil/core';\nimport { patchBrowser } from '@stencil/core/internal/client/patch-browser';\nimport { globalScripts } from '@stencil/core/internal/app-globals';\npatchBrowser().then(options => {\n globalScripts();\n return bootstrapLazy([/*!__STENCIL_LAZY_DATA__*/], options);\n});\n"],"mappings":"mIAmBA,MAAMA,EAAe,KAWO,CAEpBC,EAAkBC,EAAEC,UAC5B,CAaI,MAAMC,EAIAC,MAAMC,KAAKC,EAAIC,iBAAiB,WAAWC,MAAMC,GAAM,IAAIC,OAAO,IAAKC,4BAAoCC,KAAKH,EAAEI,MAChHJ,EAAEK,aAAa,4BAA8BH,IAErD,MAAMI,cAAyBC,IAC/B,MAAMC,GAA+Bd,GAAa,IAAI,cAAgB,GAiBtE,GAAuBY,IAAe,GAAI,CACtCE,EAAKC,aAAe,IAAIC,IAAI,IAAKJ,GAAYK,IAGrD,CAcI,OAAOC,EAAeJ,EAAK,EA8C/B,MAAMjB,EAAqBsB,IACvB,MAAMC,EAAoBD,EAAqBE,UAC/CF,EAAqBE,UAAY,SAAUC,GACvC,GAAIC,KAAKC,WAAa,WAAY,CAC9B,OAAOJ,EAAkBK,KAAKF,KAAMD,EAChD,CACQ,MAAMI,EAAaN,EAAkBK,KAAKF,KAAM,OAChD,MAAMI,EAAgBJ,KAAKK,WAC3B,GAAIN,EAAM,CACN,IAAK,IAAIO,EAAI,EAAGA,EAAIF,EAAcG,OAAQD,IAAK,CAE3C,GAAIF,EAAcE,GAAGE,WAAa,EAAG,CACjCL,EAAWM,YAAYL,EAAcE,GAAGR,UAAU,MACtE,CACA,CACA,CACQ,OAAOK,CACf,CAAK,ECpJL9B,IAAeqC,MAAKC,GAEXC,EAAcC,KAAAC,MAAA,yq/CAAuCH"}